I am an ex army officer with a 2 Dan Black Belt in Karate, Black Belt in Unarmed Commando Combat System, instructor levels in Krav Maga, Law Enforcement & Kapap with background in Boxing, Muay Thai , Jiu Jiu jitsu , Wrestling , Indian Sword & Stick fighting. I feel that traditional Martial Arts are not best suited for RBSD (Reality Based Self Defence) not because of their academic importance & heritage but because of their effectiveness in 'real combative scenario' where there are no rules, no holds barred & our assailant is not single, carries a knife if not most sophisticated weapon of the world & has an intent to kill & not to score points.Yes , traditional MA develops agility & confidence but their teaching is not comparable to Reality Based Training which incorporates use of weapons , combat medics or first aid if slashed, chocked or shot, helping others in evacuation or tactical combative to sum it. A background in martial art...
Fitcomb - Functional Intense Training of Combat is a passion...a desire to strengthen people to get up and fight, fight against the odds !